
Sunday School and Adult Bible Study


Sunday School and Adult Bible Study

"Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
Proverbs 9:9-10

Sunday School and Adult Bible Study


At Faith Lutheran Church we believe that equipping our members with the knowledge of Scripture and how it applies to our lives is an essential part of the work of the Church.  There are learning opportunities for all members of the family and we hope you will join us! 

Preschool – 5th Grade

Seniors Preschool Room

In our children’s Sunday School program we focus on Bible stories and lessons from a Concordia-based curriculum.  Lessons change quarterly.  In addition, memory work is done in accordance with Luther’s Small Catechism. Children are separated into Preschool to 1st Grade and 2nd Grade to 5th Grade. Classes are held every Sunday during the academic year from 8:30 am to 9:30 am and meet together in the upstairs “Seniors “ preschool classroom for a time of fellowship before splitting into grade-level groups.

Sunday Adult Bible Study

Fellowship Hall

An Elder instructed Bible Study is held in Fellowship Hall every Sunday from 8:30 am to 9:30 am.  The class determines the course of study by selecting a book of the Bible and completing a study of it over the course of a number of lessons.  It is a perfect opportunity to ask questions, hear insights from fellow students, and dig deeper into Scripture.  This is a year round Bible Study designed for all confirmed members of the church and visitors.

6th – 12th Grade

The theme for our Youth Sunday School Class is Apologetics, or defending the faith. This class is designed for real-world application of our Christian beliefs.  In this class, we ask faith-related questions, learn how to answer them biblically, and defend what we believe. Students are invited to submit a question to the question jar to be used as a class topic or the leader of the class will pick a topic.  The study is held every Sunday during the academic year from 8:30 am to 9:30 am in annex and online.

New Member Classes

Location TBD

We are very excited when our church family grows!  The New Member Class is designed to review the principles of the Lutheran Faith in order to ease your family’s transition to a new church.  In this class, you will be introduced to church leaders, discuss principles of Lutheranism, and, mostly importantly, we will get to know each other as we share in our religious discussions.  If you have questions, this is your place to ask away, free of judgment, by a patient and understanding ear.

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